I am trying to refine an OCR prog I made to read the layout of a certain image that I am using. Right now, I would like my OCR prog to recognise only digits 0-9.
I tried to follow the solution from the question:
Limit characters tesseract is looking for
But I got stuck in the part where I have to call tesseract as:
tesseract input.tif output nobatch letters
where does this go?
I posted some things about tesseract some time ago in SO: see Tesseract OCR Library - Learning Font. There is notably a link to tesseract training which will tell you how to restrain your set of characters and describe your ambiguities.
i had the same issue using python, wit tesseract 3 Assuming further readers may do so.
from here : https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-recognize-only-digits
and here: https://github.com/madmaze/pytesseract/blob/27fed535bf1eb665ec991313841b177336b50f61/src/pytesseract.py#L91
i succeeded using :
pytesseract.image_to_string(someimage, config='outputbase digits')
This question is answered on Tesseract FAQ
And here is how you can get tesseract to recognise numbers only:
Tesseract 2 - BEFORE calling an Init function or put this in a text file called tessdata/configs/digits:
tessedit_char_whitelist 0123456789
and then your command line becomes:
tesseract image.tif outputbase nobatch digits
Tesseract 3 - A digits config file is already created, so just run a tesseract command like this:
tesseract imagename outputbase digits
It is the command you use to tesseract run on command line.
For a better answer, we need to know if you are running tesseract on command line or as a library.