How can I use Layout Inspector for apps installed from Google Play?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-07 02:47:42


I was trying to use LayoutInspector for apps from Google Play. I have a rooted device so when I do "Show all processes", all the running apps developed by me are displayed but not the official ones.


you ca go to the /Users/.../Library/Android/sdk/tools/monitor

and select dump view


You can use UiAutomator2 Viewer ( a tool from android SDK)

{ your sdk path} \tools\bin\uiautomatorviewer.bat

This tool shows the complete hierarchy and attributes of all elements visible on the device display (no matter which app is running).

Also in the "Katalon studio" we have a tool named Mobile Spy which do the same + full Xpath

Note that you should have adb server running with connecting the device. so the "adb devices" must return device id.

