C++ has some sort of duck typing for types given by template parameters. We have no idea what type DUCK1
and DUCK2
will be, but as long as they can quack()
, it will compile and run:
template <class DUCK1, class DUCK2>
void let_them_quack(DUCK1* donald, DUCK2* daisy){
But it's a bit inconvenient to write. When I do absolutely not care what actual types DUCK1
and DUCK2
are but rather want to fully use the idea of duck typing, then I would like to have something sligthly different than above:
- I'd like to omit writing a template parameter list that is repetitive and mostly meaningless (Just imagine what would happen if there are 7 ducks...)
- I'd like to make it a bit more explicit that the types are never used and that it's only the interface that matters.
- I'd like to have sort of an interface annotation/check. Make somehow clear what interface is expected behind the type. (That's, however, a bit in contrast of duck typing.)
Does C++ offer any features to achieve one or more of the 3 ideas?
(I know that virtual inheritance is the method of choice in most cases to implement such patterns, but the question here is specifically about the case of static polymorphism.)
Concerning questions 1 and 2: since C++14 you can omit explicit template <typename ...
boilerplate and use auto
, but only in lambdas:
auto let_them_quack = [] (auto & donald, auto & daisy){
(yes, I prefer references to pointers). GCC allows to do so in usual functions as an extension.
For the question 3, what you are talking about are called concepts. They existed in C++ for a long time, but only as a documentational term. Now the Concepts TS is in progress, allowing you to write something like
template<typename T>
concept bool Quackable = requires(T a) {
void let_them_quack (Quackable & donald, Quackable & daisy);
Note that it is not yet C++, only a technical specification in progress. GCC 6.1 already seems to support it, though. Implementations of concepts and constraints using current C++ are possible; you can find one in boost.
I'd like to omit writing a template parameter list that is repetitive and mostly meaningless (Just imagine what would happen if there are 7 ducks...)
For that you could use variadic templates and do something like the following:
template<typename DUCK>
void let_them_quack(DUCK &&d) {
template<typename DUCK, typename... Args>
void let_them_quack(DUCK &&d, Args&& ...args) {
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#2 and #3 are sort of taken care of by the fact that the code will not compile, and throw a compilation error, if the given classes don't implement the interface. You could also make this formal:
class duck {
virtual void quack()=0;
Then declare the parameters to the function as taking a pointer to a duck. Your classes will have to inherit from this class, making the requirements for let_them_quack()
crystal clear.
As far as #1 goes, variadic templates can take care of this.
void let_them_quack()
template <typename ...Args>
void let_them_quack(duck* first_duck, Args && ...args) {
You will be able to make it look preetier with concept (not yet in standard - but very close):
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>concept bool ItQuacks(){
return requires (T a) {
{ a.quack() } -> void;
void let_them_quack2(ItQuacks* donald, ItQuacks* daisy){
struct DisneyDuck {
void quack(){ std::cout << "Quack!";}
struct RegularDuck {
void quack(){ std::cout << "Quack2!";}
struct Wolf {
void woof(){ std::cout << "Woof!";}
int main() {
DisneyDuck q1, q2;
let_them_quack2(&q1, &q2);
RegularDuck q3, q4;
let_them_quack2(&q3, &q4);
//Wolf w1, w2;
//let_them_quack2(&w1, &w2); // ERROR: constraints not satisfied
As you can see, you will be able to: omit writing a template parameter list
, ItQuacks is quite explicit so types are never used and that it's only the interface that matters
takes place. This I'd like to have sort of an interface annotation/check.
also takes place, concept use will also give you meaningfull error message.
We only need to write one version of the function:
#include <utility>
template<typename... Quackers>
void let_them_quack(Quackers&& ...quackers) {
using expand = int[];
void(expand { 0, (std::forward<Quackers>(quackers).quack(), 0)... });
struct Duck {
void quack() {}
int main()
Duck a, b, c;
let_them_quack(a, b, c, Duck());