How to host a asp .net core application under a sub folder

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-06 10:29:21


I have a asp .net core app running on Linux using Kestrel.

It binds to the ip ok on port 80.

But the nginx reverse proxy site needs to host the app under a non-root path e.g.

So this is ok, the app loads, but the app does not know about the myapp path - so tries to load content path resources from root. Therefore css resources etc don't load.

How do I configure the app ideally at runtime to know about the url path.


I have found that in Startup.configure using app.UsePathBase("/myapp"); helps as the app will handle the request on this path OK - but the static file requests are then /myapp/images/example.jpg which return a 404.

The images folder is in wwwroot - the default as I understand it for UseStaticFiles.

I would have expected the request to understand that /myapp was in effect virtual.


OK - so 2 things had to be done to get the app running under a "virtual directory":

Inside the startup configure method I had to set the basepath for the app AND specify a path for the static files.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)

The app also runs from / as well - not sure if this is desirable but its not a big issue for me right now.


For me (using .NET Core 3.1) it was a bit different, using ScottC's answer it failed to find the static files as it was looking in the root of the my-app directory, not in my-app/wwwroot

This config worked for me in Startup.cs:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    if (env.IsDevelopment())





Once your web content is under wwwroot you have to add app.UseStaticFiles() on the configure section on Startup class.

See the example below:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

Hope to have helped you.

