Use multi-stage docker files for outputting multiple images

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-06 10:12:37


A new docker feature is to do something like this in the dockerfile

FROM php7-fpm as build

FROM build AS test

FROM test AS staging

As far as i know, the last FROM statement marks the final output image. How is it possible to have two final images from one intermdiate image?


FROM build AS test
FROM test AS staging
FROM test AS prod

Test, staging and prod should not be discarded. I want to check in them into the repository.


You can stop the build at a certain stage and tag them as you want.

docker build --target test -t starx/test:latest .
docker build --target staging -t starx/staging:latest .
docker build --target prod -t starx/prod:latest .

This way, you have different images and you can push each image individually.

