Reduce initial server response time with Netlify and Gatsby

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2021-02-05 12:15:22


I'm running PageSpeed Insights on my website and one big error that I get sometimes is

Reduce initial server response time

Keep the server response time for the main document short because all other requests depend on it. Learn more.

React If you are server-side rendering any React components, consider using renderToNodeStream() or renderToStaticNodeStream() to allow the client to receive and hydrate different parts of the markup instead of all at once. Learn more.

I looked up renderToNodeStream() and renderToStaticNodeStream() but I didn't really understand how they could be used with Gatsby.

It looks like a problem others are having also

The domain is if you want to look at it

My DNS records


Use a CNAME record on a non-apex domain. By using the bare/apex domain you bypass the CDN and force all requests through the load balancer. This means you end up with a single IP address serving all requests (fewer simultaneous connections), the server is proxying to the content without caching, and the distance to the user is likely to be further.

EDIT: Also, your HTML file is over 300KB. That's obscene. It looks like you're including Bootstrap in it twice, you're repeating the same inline <style> tags over and over with slightly different selector hashes, and you have a ton of (unused) utility classes. You only want to inline critical CSS if possible; serve the rest from an external file if you can't treeshake it.


Well the behavior is unexpected, I ran the pagespeed insights of your site and it gave me a warning on first test with initial response time of 0.74 seconds. Then i used my developer tools to look at the initial response time on the document root, which was fairly between 300 to 400ms. So I did the pagespeed test again and the response was 140ms. The test was passed. After that it was 120ms. See the attached image.

I totally think there is no problem with the site. Still if you wanna try i would recommend you to change the server or your hosting for once, try and go for something different. I don't know what kind of server you have right now where the site is deployed. You can try AWS S3 and CloudFront, works well for me.

