I have a text in which some words may repeat. I have to detect words occurrences for each word like:
"index": 10,
"word": "soul",
"characterOffsetBegin": 1606,
"characterOffsetEnd": 1609
I have implemented this approach that partially works
var seen = new Map();
tokens.forEach(token => { // for each token
let item = {
"word": token
var pattern = "\\b($1)\\b";
var wordRegex = new RegExp(pattern.replace('$1', token), "g");
// calculate token begin end
var match = null;
while ((match = wordRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
if (match.index > (seen.get(token) || -1)) {
var wordStart = match.index;
var wordEnd = wordStart + token.length - 1;
item.characterOffsetBegin = wordStart;
item.characterOffsetEnd = wordEnd;
seen.set(token, wordEnd);
This will work in most of cases as showed here:
function aggressive_tokenizer(text) {
// most punctuation
text = text.replace(/([^\w\.\'\-\/\+\<\>,&])/g, " $1 ");
// commas if followed by space
text = text.replace(/(,\s)/g, " $1");
// single quotes if followed by a space
text = text.replace(/('\s)/g, " $1");
// single quotes if last char
text = text.replace(/('$)/, " $1");
text = text.replace(/(\s+[`'"‘])(\w+)\b(?!\2)/g, " $2")
// periods before newline or end of string
text = text.replace(/\. *(\n|$)/g, " . ");
// replace punct
// ignore "-" since may be in slang scream
text = text.replace(/[\\?\^%<>=!&|+\~]/g, "");
text = text.replace(/[…;,.:*#\)\({}\[\]]/g, "");
// finally split remainings into words
text = text.split(/\s+/)
return text;
var seen = new Map();
var text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
var tokens = aggressive_tokenizer(text);
var indexes = tokens.map(token => { // for each token
let item = {
"word": token
var pattern = "\\b($1)\\b";
var wordRegex = new RegExp(pattern.replace('$1', token), "g");
// calculate token begin end
var match = null;
while ((match = wordRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
if (match.index > (seen.get(token) || -1)) {
var wordStart = match.index;
var wordEnd = wordStart + token.length - 1;
item.characterOffsetBegin = wordStart;
item.characterOffsetEnd = wordEnd;
seen.set(token, wordEnd);
return item;
There are some circumstances, where I have found out that the indexes are missing:
var text = "'Lorem ipsum 'dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Here I have added a "'" to some words: "'Lorem" and "'dolor" (That would be in english something like a contraction like "'Cause'", etc. Now it won't work as expected:
"word": "'Lorem"
This is probably because of the pattern = "\\b($1)\\b";
, that I'm using to exactly match the word to get the right begin and end char offsets, while the tokenizer will tokenize some text like 'Cause
as 'Cause
, so keeping the accent to further analyze this token (like for transforming 'cause
in because
in a NLP pipeline, hence I cannot remove the "'" from those tokens.
Another attempt is to use the regex
pattern = "(?<!\\S)$1(?!\\S)";
that works in the case of 'Lorem
, but could fail in other cases.