I passed data in 3 languages to the twig template and display this data in this way:
{% set lang=app.request.get("lang")%}
{% for item in contests%}
{% if lang=="fa"%}
{% elseif lang=="en"%}
{% elseif lang=="ar"%}
{% endif%}
{% endfor%}
It is wirking but I must create 3 if condition for each object in "contests" How can i show data in this logic:
{% set lang=app.request.get("lang")%}
{% endfor%}
that can call proper method in contest
You can use the attribute TWIG function for call at runtime a method name, as example:
{% set lang=app.request.get("lang")%}
{% methodname = 'title'~lang %}
{% for item in contests%}
{{ attribute(item, methodname) }}
{% endfor%}
Hope this help