Delete files older than 3 months how?
For 90 days i know:
find /tmp/*.log -mtime +90 -type f -delete
But how do i know 3 months equal to always 90 days? how many exact days? Is there more better way to tell the -mtime
to follow months
If you want exact number of days for 3 months then you can use:
days=$(( ( $(date '+%s') - $(date -d '3 months ago' '+%s') ) / 86400 ))
and use it as:
find /tmp/*.log -mtime +$days -type f -delete
Or directly in find
find /tmp/*.log -type f \
-mtime "+$(( ( $(date '+%s') - $(date -d '3 months ago' '+%s') ) / 86400 ))" -delete