Fill in same amount of characters where other column is NaN

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-04 05:37:37


I have the following dummy dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame({'Col1':['a,b,c,d', 'e,f,g,h', 'i,j,k,l,m'],
                   'Col2':['aa~bb~cc~dd', np.NaN, 'ii~jj~kk~ll~mm']})

        Col1            Col2
0    a,b,c,d     aa~bb~cc~dd
1    e,f,g,h             NaN
2  i,j,k,l,m  ii~jj~kk~ll~mm

The real dataset has shape 500000, 90.

I need to unnest these values to rows and I'm using the new explode method for this, which works fine.

The problem is the NaN, these will cause unequal lengths after the explode, so I need to fill in the same amount of delimiters as the filled values. In this case ~~~ since row 1 has three comma's.

expected output

        Col1            Col2
0    a,b,c,d     aa~bb~cc~dd
1    e,f,g,h             ~~~
2  i,j,k,l,m  ii~jj~kk~ll~mm

Attempt 1:


Attempt 2:

np.where(df['Col2'].isna(), df['Col1'].str.count(',')*'~', df['Col2'])

This works, but I feel like there's an easier method for this:

characters = df['Col1'].str.replace('\w', '').str.replace(',', '~')
df['Col2'] = df['Col2'].fillna(characters)


        Col1            Col2
0    a,b,c,d     aa~bb~cc~dd
1    e,f,g,h             ~~~
2  i,j,k,l,m  ii~jj~kk~ll~mm

d1 = df.assign(Col1=df['Col1'].str.split(',')).explode('Col1')[['Col1']]
d2 = df.assign(Col2=df['Col2'].str.split('~')).explode('Col2')[['Col2']]

final = pd.concat([d1,d2], axis=1)

  Col1 Col2
0    a   aa
0    b   bb
0    c   cc
0    d   dd
1    e     
1    f     
1    g     
1    h     
2    i   ii
2    j   jj
2    k   kk
2    l   ll
2    m   mm

Question: is there an easier and more generalized method for this? Or is my method fine as is.



delims = {'Col1': ',', 'Col2': '~'}
    k: df[k].str.split(delims[k], expand=True)
    for k in df}, axis=1

    Col1 Col2
0 0    a   aa
  1    b   bb
  2    c   cc
  3    d   dd
1 0    e  NaN
  1    f  NaN
  2    g  NaN
  3    h  NaN
2 0    i   ii
  1    j   jj
  2    k   kk
  3    l   ll
  4    m   mm

This loops on columns in df. It may be wiser to loop on keys in the delims dictionary.

delims = {'Col1': ',', 'Col2': '~'}
    k: df[k].str.split(delims[k], expand=True)
    for k in delims}, axis=1

Same thing, different look

delims = {'Col1': ',', 'Col2': '~'}
def f(c): return df[c].str.split(delims[c], expand=True)
pd.concat(map(f, delims), keys=delims, axis=1).stack()


One way is using str.repeat and fillna() not sure how efficient this is though:


0       aa~bb~cc~dd
1               ~~~
2    ii~jj~kk~ll~mm
Name: Col2, dtype: object


Just split the dataframe into two


d1 = df1['Col1'].str.split(',').explode()
d2 = df1['Col2'].str.split('~').explode()
d3 = df2['Col1'].str.split(',').explode()

final = pd.concat([d1, d2], axis=1).append(d3.to_frame(),sort=False)
  Col1 Col2
0    a   aa
0    b   bb
0    c   cc
0    d   dd
2    i   ii
2    j   jj
2    k   kk
2    l   ll
2    m   mm
1    e  NaN
1    f  NaN
1    g  NaN
1    h  NaN


zip_longest can be useful here, given you don't need the original Index. It will work regardless of which column has more splits:

from itertools import zip_longest, chain

df = pd.DataFrame({'Col1':['a,b,c,d', 'e,f,g,h', 'i,j,k,l,m', 'x,y'],
                   'Col2':['aa~bb~cc~dd', np.NaN, 'ii~jj~kk~ll~mm', 'xx~yy~zz']})
#        Col1            Col2
#0    a,b,c,d     aa~bb~cc~dd
#1    e,f,g,h             NaN
#2  i,j,k,l,m  ii~jj~kk~ll~mm
#3        x,y        xx~yy~zz

l = [zip_longest(*x, fillvalue='') 
     for x in zip(df.Col1.str.split(',').fillna(''), 


    0   1
0   a  aa
1   b  bb
2   c  cc
3   d  dd
4   e    
5   f    
6   g    
7   h    
8   i  ii
9   j  jj
10  k  kk
11  l  ll
12  m  mm
13  x  xx
14  y  yy
15     zz

