Uploading an image to a database with javafx

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-01-29 21:46:22


i'm trying to upload an image to mysql database using phpmyadmin and despite the program works and stores the rest of the data the image is not stored correctly.

If I upload an image directly in phpmyadmin the image's size in type Blob it's 26.6 KB but if I try to uploading using javafx the image's size it's about 10 B so I think i'm not uploading correctly.

public void guardarMonstruo(MonstruoDTO monstruo) {
    con= ConexionBDA.getInstance().getCon();
    try {
    if (con != null){
        byte[] blob = imagenToByte(monstruo.getImagen());
        statement = con.createStatement();
        statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO monstruos (Nombre,Habitat,Estado,ColaCercenable,DragonAnciano,DebilidadFuego,DebilidadAgua,Debilidadrayo,DebilidadHielo,DebilidadDraco,ImagenMonstruo) VALUES ('"+monstruo.getNombre()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getHabitat()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getEstado()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getColaCercenable()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getDragonAnciano()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getDebilidadFuego()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getDebilidadAgua()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getDebilidadRayo()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getDebilidadHielo()+"'"+","+"'"+monstruo.getDebilidadDraco()+"'"+","+"'"+blob+"');");

    catch(Exception e) {


And the method imagenToByte() is used to pass the image to byte is this:

private byte[] imagenToByte(Image imagen) {
    BufferedImage bufferimage = SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(imagen, null);
      ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      try {
        ImageIO.write(bufferimage, "jpg", output );
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      byte [] data = output.toByteArray();
      return data;

I don't know what i'm doing wrong, could you please help me?


You insert the result of the toString method to the query string which won't result in the desired outcome. Use PreparedStatement and set a Blob parameter instead:

try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO monstruos (Nombre,Habitat,Estado,ColaCercenable,DragonAnciano,DebilidadFuego,DebilidadAgua,Debilidadrayo,DebilidadHielo,DebilidadDraco,ImagenMonstruo) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")) {
    ps.setString(1, monstruo.getNombre());
    ps.setString(2, monstruo.getHabitat());
    ps.setString(3, monstruo.getEstado());
    ps.setString(4, monstruo.getColaCercenable());
    ps.setString(5, monstruo.getDragonAnciano());
    ps.setString(6, monstruo.getDebilidadFuego());
    ps.setString(7, monstruo.getDebilidadAgua());
    ps.setString(8, monstruo.getDebilidadRayo());
    ps.setString(9, monstruo.getDebilidadHielo());
    ps.setString(10, monstruo.getDebilidadDraco());

    // upload the data, not the toString result of the array
    ps.setBlob(11, new SerialBlob(blob));


