I am trying to solve https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/harry-potter-and-wands/problem
With proper mysql setup one can do following
select w.id, wp.age, min(w.coins_needed), w.power from wands w
join wands_property wp
on wp.code = w.code and wp.is_evil=0
group by w.code
order by w.power desc, wp.age desc;
But hackerrank's mysql setup does not allow partial grouping. It throws error
SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'run_eootvjd0lna.w.id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
So I would like to first filter out all the duplicates for a given code in wands
table and only leave rows having minimum coins_needed. This way I can then join wands_property
on the extracted table.
Would like to get suggestion on extraction of only relevant minimum coins_needed rows, so that it can be used further on.
PS: I have created a sqlfiddle with sample data here
I am not sure if i got it right
But with
select w.id, w.code, w2.coins_needed, w.power
, wp.age
from wands w
inner join (SELECT code, Min(coins_needed) coins_needed From Wands Group by code) w2
on w.code = w2.code and w.coins_needed = w2.coins_needed
join wands_property wp
on wp.code = w.code and wp.is_evil=0
You get
id code coins_needed power age
1 10 100 2 100
3 20 300 3 200
8 40 300 4 400
This is the result for all wands that cost minimum for every code that is not evil with out grouping it.
Here is my Explaination of the solution (final solution in step 3):
Step 1:
Filter rows with minimum coins needed based on power & code. Why code & power because requirement wants us to filter based on age and power and age has 1-1 relationship with code so code and power are logical places to filter
select w2.code, w2.power, min(w2.coins_needed) coins
from wands w2
group by w2.code, w2.power
Step 2:
Use this table with only filtered rows to get all the columns of wands table
select w.id, wp.age, w.code, min(w.coins_needed), w.power from wands w
join (
select w2.code, w2.power, min(w2.coins_needed) coins from wands w2
group by w2.code, w2.power
) wcp
on wcp.code = w.code and wcp.power = w.power and wcp.coins = w.coins_needed
Step 3:
Final step is to join with wands_property with the new table we got in step 2 and order it as required by the problem
select w.id, wp.age, w.code, min(w.coins_needed), w.power from wands w
join (
select w2.code, w2.power, min(w2.coins_needed) coins from wands w2
group by w2.code, w2.power
) wcp
on wcp.code = w.code and wcp.power = w.power and wcp.coins = w.coins_needed
join wands_property wp
on wp.code = w.code and wp.is_evil=0
order by w.power desc, wp.age desc ;