I have an issue with cleaning up network-synced objects: On each tick the server sends the client (Unreliably) the states (Position, Quaternion) of objects around that player.
In order to increase performance on the Client side, I wish to clean (hide or dispose) of objects that are not updated for X time.
I came up with the following idea:
Implement a mechanism similar to JavaScript's setTimeout
The mechanism should support mid-run termination as well as restarting with the same set of args.
I thought of creating a class
which implements Task
and accepts ushort
as timeout interval, and Action/Function to perform after the time had passed.
I will refer to the above class as TimedTask
would have 2 inner threads/tasks:
1. thread/task1 would be in charge of the sleep until the timeout
2. thread/task2 would be in charge of receiving mid-run commands (for instance, restart, stop, terminate)
The TimedTask
can live a long time and it depends on the circumstances, and there might be more than 20- 100 TimedTask
s running in parallel.
I'm afraid the above implementation will cause major performance issues, and there might be a better way to solve this problem, should I loop over each networked object my client has on every tick and see which ones were not updated?
If you guys have any suggestion I'd appreciate it.
Take a look at the PauseTokenSource class by Stephen Toub (also available in the AsyncEx.Coordination package by StephenCleary). You could have hundreds of long lived tasks, each one controlled by a separate PauseTokenSource
. The performance would depend on what you are doing inside each task. The overhead of the pausing mechanism should be negligible, unless you are anticipating a frequency of ~100,000 loops per second or more (for all tasks in total).
using Nito.AsyncEx;
async Task CreateLongLivedTask(PauseToken pauseToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (true)
await pauseToken.WaitWhilePausedAsync(cancellationToken);
await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken); // 10 loops per second