SQLite on Android via JavaFX and Gluons client-maven-plugin

可紊 提交于 2021-01-29 14:10:48


I am trying to get a JavaFX application, which uses SQLite, running on Android via Gluons client-maven-plugin but for the library with the native part of SQLite I only get an UnsatisfiedLinkError. The app as such runs fine on Android and even works perfectly with SQLite on any desktop platform, so I think my general setup is ok. In this context I wonder whether

  1. linking with shared libraries contained in a JAR file is supported at all for Android?
  2. which architecture is the right one for Android?

The app reports itself as Linux/aarch64 but the shared library for that combination, provided by "org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:", does not work. What is confusing is that there is another one for Linux/android-arm which also does not seem to work but looks more specific to Android. So which is the right one.


This question has been answered on Gluons issue tracker on GitHub:


Just in case someone is interested.

