What do the “|” and “>>” means in Apache Beam?

故事扮演 提交于 2021-01-29 13:22:41


I'm trying to understand Apache Beam. I was following the programming guide and in one example, they say talk about The following code example joins the two PCollections with CoGroupByKey, followed by a ParDo to consume the result. Then, the code uses tags to look up and format data from each collection..

I was quite surprised, because I didn't saw at any point a ParDo operation, so I started to wondering if the | was actually the ParDo. The code looks like this:

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions

emails_list = [
    ('amy', 'amy@example.com'),
    ('carl', 'carl@example.com'),
    ('julia', 'julia@example.com'),
    ('carl', 'carl@email.com'),
phones_list = [
    ('amy', '111-222-3333'),
    ('james', '222-333-4444'),
    ('amy', '333-444-5555'),
    ('carl', '444-555-6666'),

pipeline_options = PipelineOptions()
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
    emails = p | 'CreateEmails' >> beam.Create(emails_list)
    phones = p | 'CreatePhones' >> beam.Create(phones_list)
    results = ({'emails': emails, 'phones': phones} | beam.CoGroupByKey())
    def join_info(name_info):
        (name, info) = name_info
        return '%s; %s; %s' %\
      (name, sorted(info['emails']), sorted(info['phones']))

    contact_lines = results | beam.Map(join_info)

I do notice that emails and phones are read at the start of the pipeline, so I guess that both of them are different PCollections, right? But where is the ParDo executed? What do the "|" and ">>" actually means? And how I can see the actual output of this? Does it matter if the join_info function, the emails_list and phones_list are defined outside the DAG?


The | represents a separation between steps, this is (using p as Pbegin): p | ReadFromText(..) | ParDo(..) | GroupByKey().

You can also reference other PCollections before |:

read = p  | ReadFromText(..)
kvs = read | ParDo(..)
gbk = kvs | GroupByKey()

That's equivalent to the previous pipeline: p | ReadFromText(..) | ParDo(..) | GroupByKey()

The >> are used between | and the PTransform to name the steps: p | ReadFromText(..) | "to key value" >> ParDo(..) | GroupByKey()

