I have a set of notification or information items stored in elasticsearch. Once a user has seen a notification I need to mark it as seen by that user. A user can filter documents by read/unread status. Notifications will be viewed by lot of users and seen status will constantly get updated. What is the best way to store this data. Shall I store the list of users which have seen that notification in same document itself or shall I create parent child relationship.
For sure you should avoid parent-child or nested type because they are computationial costful. the best way to achieve the relationship with a lot of data is to denormalize your data and put them in different indices. Please read here and here .Example:
PUT notification
{"mappings": {
"properties": {
"content": {
"type": "text"},
"type":"keyword" }{
Then user index:
PUT user
{"mappings": {
"properties": {
"general_information": {
"type": "text"},
"type":"keyword" }{
another index for the relationship:
PUT seen
{"mappings": {
"properties": {
"seen": {
"type": "keyword",
"type": "keyword",
Sorry for the text format, i haven't kibana now. You should pay attention that to pass from information indices - user, notification - to the support index - seen - you should make a multi-index query - doc here. it will works because the name and the values of the fields - user_id , notification_id - are the same in different indices. The subfields user_id in seen index are array of keywords. However you could make user_id a single keyword and parent of notification_id keyword array field. In every case they keep the one to many realtionship, the best choice depends from your data