I have a column in my pandas DataFrames with positive and negative values, I need to make an area graph with different colours for positive and negative y axis.
So far, I am not able to do that with alt.condition
brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x'])
upper = alt.Chart(yData['plotY'].fillna(0).reset_index()[24000:26000],
title = '_name').mark_area().encode(x = alt.X('{0}:T'.format(yData['plotY'].index.name),
scale = alt.Scale(domain=brush)),
y = 'plotY',
# color=alt.condition(
# alt.datum.plotY > 0,
# alt.value("steelblue"), # The positive color
# alt.value("orange") # The negative color
# ),
tooltip=['plotY']).properties(width = 700,
height = 230)
lower = upper.copy().properties(
p = alt.vconcat(upper, lower).configure_concat(spacing=0)
How can I make the are plot with different colours for positive and negative?
You could do something like this:
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
y = np.sin(x)
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y})
negative='datum.y < 0'
y=alt.Y('y', impute={'value': 0}),
Some notes:
we use a calculated color encoding rather than a color condition because an encoding will actually split the data into two groups, which is required for area marks (area marks, unlike point marks, draw a single chart element for each group of data, and a single chart element cannot have multiple colors)
argument toy
is important because it tells each group to treat the value as zero where it is undefined and the other group is defined. This prevents strange artifacts where a straight line is drawn between points in the group.