I'm building my website with Flutter but programming for web is very new to me and I'm not quite sure I understand exactly how Cookies work.
I still need to understand what cookies are to be written where, and where do I take those cookies from.
Building the banner to manage the should be easy, and if I'm not wrong it should be the first thing that pops up in the home page.
For example Medium banner is just a dismissible banner swing the message
To make Medium work, we log user data. By using Medium, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
with a link the Privacy Policy, but it doesn't have any opt-in so it doesn't look GDPR compliant..
Here https://medium.com/@mayur_solanki/flutter-web-formerly-hummingbird-ba52f5135fb0 shows how cookies are written and read in flutter web
html.window.localStorage['local_value'] = localStorage;
html.window.sessionStorage['session_value'] = sessionStorage;
html.window.document.cookie= "username=${cookies}; expires=Thu, 18 Dec 2020 12:00:00 UTC";
As far as I understood cookies are of these types.
First-party: To track user behavior( page visits , number of users etc..) and as I use google Analytics I do need to ask consent for these. here Google Analytics, Flutter, cookies and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is shown how to activate/deactivate it, so I shouldn't store anything myself if I'm not wrong.
Third-party: These would be from a YouTube linked video on my Home page for example, so I need to ask consent for these too. Haven't checked it yet but I guess it should be similar to Google Analytics
Session cookies: These should be used to remember Items in a shopping basket. I shouldn't be needing these..
Persistent cookies:
These should be for keeping user's logged in.
One of the web pages is the Retailer access
, which is retailer's app (the supply side of the marketplace ).
I'm using Google signing to log in users, so I should be needing these, as the login form it always presented to users when navigating to Retailer access
even after they logged in.
Secure cookies: These are for https only and used for check-out/payment pages. In my web the retailer's app only creates products, manages workshop bookings, and handles communication with customers.. The mobile app (the demand side of the marketplace) is where all the payments are made using Stripe, so I shouldn't have to store anything on web..right?
Sorry for the long question, I hope it's clear enough. Thank you for your help.