ORA_ASPNET_MEM_GETALLUSERS must be declared ASP.NET MVC Oracle Providers

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-01-29 08:04:52


As per this tutorial from Oracle, I am trying to set up my application to use the Oracle Membership, Role and state providers. While in the process of setting up the membership, using the ASP.NET Admin tool, I get the following error when clicking on the "Security" tab:

ORA-06550: line 1, column 15: PLS-00201: identifier 'ORA_ASPNET_MEM_GETALLUSERS' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored

enter image description here

I can confirm that the identifier DOES in fact exist in the DB.

enter image description here

I am using the exact same credentials for the membership provider as I do for the rest of the site and also when connection to SQL Developer.


If anyone was wondering, the solution was to first do the following steps outlined here

Grant privileges to the new database user so it can create the schema and store web site state for the ASP.NET providers: Set Object type to USER and set User to ASPNET_DB_USER (or your user of choice). The generally required privileges include:

  1. Change notification
  2. Create job
  3. Create procedure
  4. Create public synonym
  5. Create role
  6. Create session
  7. Create table
  8. Create view
  9. Drop public synonym
  10. Unlimited Tablespace

