When using custom exceptions_app
and rescue_responses
, an application has more control of uncaught exceptions and an excessive logging from DebugExceptions
middleware becomes noise.
As an example, the application knows how to process ActionPolicy::Unauthorized
, renders proper page in exceptions_app
and thus the following log is redundant:
FATAL -- :
FATAL -- : ActionPolicy::Unauthorized (Not Authorized):
FATAL -- :
FATAL -- : app/controllers/topics_suggest_controller.rb:47:in `topic_load'
What would be the most idiomatic way to skip logging only those exceptions listed in rescue_responses
Approach 1
It's tempting to delete DebugExceptions
middleware from the application's Rails stack.
config.middleware.delete ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
The problem is that it is exactly the middleware that determines Rails cannot find a route and throws ActionController::RoutingError
in such cases. Hence, if you would like to react to this exception in your exceptions_app
, this approach is a no-go for you.
Go ahead and use this approach if it's fine for you to see HTTP status 404 and plain text response Not found
when no route was found.
Approach 2
Monkey patch or change ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
in some way. In fact, there was a proposal in 2013 to change DebugExceptions
behavior so that it skips logging exceptions registered in rescue_responses
: 9343, there is an example code in there.
I think it's too much to overwrite the whole class, so I chose to override its method log_error responsible for logging errors.
module Ext
module SuppressExceptions
def log_error(_request, wrapper)
exception = wrapper.exception
return if ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.rescue_responses.key? exception.class.name
require_dependency 'ext/suppress_exceptions'
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions.prepend Ext::SuppressExceptions