My goal is to count the sum of a column which correlates to another column in a csv.
For example, I have an input csv what looks like this
I want the output to be:
[{ bytes: 1000, uri: "my.jpg" }, { bytes:200, "another.jpg" }]
Note: I need to do this as a stream as there can be over 3 millions records for a given csv and looping is just too slow.
I have managed to accomplish this using awk
but I am struggling to implement it in node
Here is bash script using awk
awk -F, 'BEGIN { print "["}
gsub(/"/, ""); # Remove all quotation from csv
uri=$2; # Put the current uri in key
a[uri]++; # Increment the count of uris
b[uri] = b[uri] + $1; # total up bytes
for (i in a) {
printf "%s{\"uri\":\"%s\",\"count\":\"%s\",\"bytes\":\"%s\"}",
separator, i, a[i], b[i]
separator = ", "
print "]"
' ./res.csv
any pointers in the right direction would be hugely appreciated
You can try creating a read stream to you csv file and piping it to a csv-streamify parser.
const csv = require('csv-streamify')
const fs = require('fs')
const parser = csv()
const sum = {};
// emits each line as a buffer or as a string representing an array of fields
parser.on('data', function (line) {
let key = line[1];
let val = line[0];
if (!sum[key]) {
sum[key] = 0;
sum[key] = sum[key] + parseInt(val);
console.log("Current sum for " + key + ": " + sum[key])
parser.on('end', function () {
let results = Object.keys(sum)
.map(key => ({ bytes: sum[key], uri: key }))
// now pipe some data into it
Using your sample data this example should print:
[ { bytes: 1000, uri: 'my.jpg' },
{ bytes: 200, uri: 'another.jpg' } ]
You can try the below Perl solution as well.
$ cat url.txt
$ perl -lne ' if(/\"(\d+)\",\"(.+?)\"/g) { $kv{$2}+=$1} ; END { print "["; for(keys %kv) { print "$s { bytes:$kv{$_} uri:\"$_\" } ";$s="," } print "]" } ' url.txt
{ bytes:600 uri:"more.jpg" }
, { bytes:200 uri:"another.jpg" }
, { bytes:1000 uri:"my.jpg" }