How to remove a single quote from a value while inserting in SQL database

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-29 04:20:33


I have a long list of insert query which has a slight error.

INSERT INTO `delivery_zip` (..) 
VALUES ("AB'C / DEF", ..), ("AB'C / DEF", ..), ("AB'C / DEF", ..), ...

How do I remove the single quote after AB' from the values.


If the single quote in question is the only single quote present in the column col1, and you have already inserted the data, then you should be safe using UPDATE with REPLACE to remove it:

UPDATE delivery_zip
SET col1 = REPLACE(col1, ''', '')

But if you haven't done the insertion yet, you could do a find and replace in your script first, possibly using a regex if needed.

