I am developing a web that work with Twig and PHPMailer. When the system send a email, I want that email's body to be in HTML. I must show data in email's body. I have the file personal.php that pass data to file personal.html by Twig
"text" => $text,
"lenguaje" => substr($lang, 0, 2)
How I do to pass the HTML file with Twig?. When I pass data I do
$body = '<div>
<p><strong>'.$this->text['user'].': </strong>'. $data['txtRecEmail'] . '</p>
<p><strong>'.$this->text['password'].': </strong>'. $data['txtUsrPass'] . '</p>
but now I want pass a HTML file with CSS
Use render() instead of display()
"text" => $text,
"lenguaje" => substr($lang, 0, 2)