I can't figure out how to fetch data from firestore when i have in data model reference (id) to another object, for example like this
City {name: string;
countryId: string; //primary key to another object in database
Country {
name: string;
I m using AngularFire 5.
After i fetch city i want fetch country and i want to asign country.name to city.countryId and i want return joined object city.
I made service for this because i want fetch this data from multiple places in code.
export class CityService implements OnInit {
city: City;
private dataFetch: FireStoreService) { }
ngOnInit() {}
getCity(ref: string): City {
this.dataFetch.getDataDoc(ref).subscribe((_city: City) => {
.subscribe((country: Country) => {
_city.countryId = country.name;
this.city = _city;
return this.city;
Ye i know this will not work beacause it is async task, i have read a lot of articles, but i can not still figure out. So I don't know how to fetch some object and then fetch references from this object and return joined object (without references but with proper data).
This is my city component.
selector: 'app-detail-city',
template: `
<p> detail-city works! </p>
<p> Name : {{ city.name }} </p>
<p> Country : {{ city.countryId }} </p>
<p> ID : {{ city.id }} </p>
styleUrls: ['./detail-city.component.css']
export class DetailCityComponent implements OnInit {
city: City;
root: string;
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private cityService: CityService) {
(params: Params) => {
this.root = params['root']+'/'+params['id'];
this.city = cityService.getCity(this.root);
ngOnInit() {}
So i manage to solve this problem at the end.
Here is code from servis.
getCity(ref: string): Observable<City> {
return this.dataFetch.getDocument(ref)
.switchMap((res: City) => {
return this.dataFetch.getDocument(res.countryId)
.map((country: Country) => {
return new City(
Then you can subscribe to this observable in your component or use async pipe. Also, I found usefull link where is described how to use reference and geo type in FireStore.