In this question was found a solution to find a particular solution to a non-square linear system that has infinitely many solutions. This leads to another question:
How to find all the solutions for a non-square linear system with infinitely many solutions, with R? (see below for a possible description of the infinite set of solutions)
Example: the linear system
is equivalent to A X = B
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 1 1
[2,] 1 -1 -2
[1,] 1
[2,] 2
We can describe the infinite set of solutions with:
x = 3/2 + (1/2) z
y = -1/2 + (-3/2) z
z in R
Thus, R could describe the set of solutions this way:
> solve2(A,B)
[1] 1 2 # this means that x and y will be described
[1] 3 # this means that the 3rd variable (i.e. z) is free in the set of real numbers
[1] 1.5 -0.5
[1] 0.5 -1.5
This means that every solution can be created with:
z = 236782 # any value would be ok
solve2(A,B)$P + z * solve2(A,B)$Q # this gives x and y
About the maths: there always exist such a decomposition, when the linear system has infinitely many solutions, this part is ok. The question is: is there something to do this in R?
You can solve equations like thse using the generalized inverse of A.
ginv(A) %*% B
# 1.2857143
# 0.1428571
A %*% ginv(A) %*% B
# 1
# 2
So, with help from @Bhas
gen_soln <- function(vec) {
G <- ginv(A)
W <- diag(3) - G %*% A
(G %*% B + W %*% vec)
You can now find many solutions by providing a vector of length 3 to `gen_soln' function. For example,
one_from_inf <- gen_soln(1:3)
#[1,] 1.35714286
#[2,] -0.07142857
#[3,] -0.2857142
# Test the solution.
A %*% one_from_inf
# [,1]
#[1,] 1
#[2,] 2
# Using random number generator
A %*% gen_soln(rnorm(3))
# [,1]
#[1,] 1
#[2,] 2
The general solution to
A*x = b
x = x0 + z
where x0 is any solution and z is in the kernel of A
As pointed out above you can find a particular solution x0 by using the generalised inverse. You can also use the SVD to find a basis for the kernel of A:
A = U*S*V'
where U and V are orthogonal and S diagonal, with, say, the last k entries on the diagonal 0 (and the others non-zero).
If follows that the last k columns of V form a basis for the kernel of A, and if we call these z1,..zk then the solutions of the original equation are
x = x0 + c1*z1 + .. ck*zk
for any real c1..ck