Is it possible in Azure Devops YAML pipelines to dynamically create additional steps based on some variable data (without creating our own plugin)
The thing is I see that I want to iterate through several directories, but I don't want to just lump it all in a single step since it makes it harder to scan through to find an error.
It is possible to include steps conditionally with an if statement.
I think the example of extending a template on the same page will give you a good indication of how to iterate through a list parameter and create / run a step based on each value.
Is it possible in Azure Devops YAML pipelines to dynamically create additional steps based on some variable data (without creating our own plugin)
No, Yaml pipelines(azure-pipeline.yml) are under Version Control. So what you want (for your original title) is to dynamically commit changes to the azure-pipeline.yml
file when executing the pipeline. That's not a recommended workflow.
1.Instead you can consider using Azure Devops Conditions to dynamically enable/disable the additional steps.
Use a template parameter as part of a condition
Use the output variable from a job in a condition in a subsequent job
Or Use some predefined variables:
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master'))
2.If you're not using Conditions, you can check conditional template as Simon suggests above.
Also, both #1 and #2 can work with new feature runtime parameters.
3.However, if the dynamic variable you mean comes from the result of components = result of ls -1 $(Pipeline.Workspace)/components
command, above tips won't work for this situation. For this you can try something like this:
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
# Write your PowerShell commands here.
# some logic to run `components = result of ls -1 $(Pipeline.Workspace)/components` and determine whether to set the WhetherToRun=true.
'Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=WhetherToRun]True"'
- task: CmdLine@2
script: |
echo Hello world
condition: eq(variables['WhetherToRun'], 'True')