I want to be able to obfuscate only a subset of classes with proguard, but am having a hard time since proguard seems to designed primarily to obfuscate everything, except for a blacklist.
However, the proguard manual does say:
For additional flexibility, class names can actually be comma-separated lists of class names, with optional ! negators, just like file name filters. This notation doesn't look very Java-like, so it should be used with moderation.
but there are no examples of that.
I am trying this:
-keep class !**.licence.** {*;}
-keep class !**.*Licence*.** {*;}
but that does work. If I remove the !
, the patterns themselves do work (everything else gets obfuscated, except the above). I have also tried with the method definitiones ({*;}
removed), but still does not work.
Does anyone have any examples of negators on classnames? Is there another way to tell proguard to only obfuscate specific class/package patterns (without using in-code annotations)?
I finally figured it out on my own. The negations must all be on one line, like this:
-keep class !ca.nanometrics.**.licence.**,!ca.nanometrics.**.*Licence*{*;}