Update with join using Zend-framework

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-01-27 21:27:26


iam trying to update a table with join using zend on mysql. Below is the query that I want to do through the zend. Already thanks.

    UPDATE tbproduto  
        LEFT JOIN (SELECT codigo as codTipoProduto, cdTipo FROM tbtipoproduto) as tbtipoproduto ON tbproduto.cdTipoProduto = tbtipoproduto.codTipoProduto 
        LEFT JOIN (SELECT codigo as codTipo, descricao as descTipo FROM tbtipo ) as tbTipo ON tbtipoproduto.cdTipo = tbTipo.codTipo
    SET valor = 10.0
    WHERE codigo > 0 


I don't believe this is possible with the 'update()' method provided by the Zend Db Adapter.

You can however, run the query manually using the adapter. Something like:

// $adapter is an instance of Zend_Db_Adapter
$adapter->query(YOUR QUERY HERE);

