Does @PreUpdate always run when @PrePersist runs?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-01-27 20:23:16


I have an Entity like below:

public class Order {

  private String orderId;

  @Column(name = "created_at", nullable = false)
  private Date created;

  @Column(name = "updated_at", nullable = false)
  private Date updated;
  protected void onCreate() {
    this.created = new Date();
    this.updated = this.created;

  protected void onUpdate() {
    this.updated = new Date();

I have to find all the orders that have created or updated date within a particular date range. For that I have below method defined in my repository:

public interface OrderRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Order, String>,
    QuerydslPredicateExecutor<Order> {
 public Page<Order> findByCreatedBetweenOrUpdatedBetween(Date startCreatedDate,
      Date endCreatedDate, Date startUpdatedDate, Date endUptedDate, Pageable pageRequest);

My question is, can I just check for Updated_date for this instead of both created and updated date like below?

public Page<Order> findByUpdatedBetween(Date startUpdatedDate, Date endUptedDate, Pageable pageRequest);

What I observed is updated_date is updated at the time a row in inserted with the same value as created_date. Is there a chance I would miss any of the records if I just check updated_date for the date range provided.


No, @PreUpdate callback method does not always run when @PrePersist callback method is executed. @PrePersist is executed before persist operation (direct or cascaded) and @PreUpdate before database update.

In JPA 2.1 specification (3.5.3 Semantics of the Life Cycle Callback Methods for Entities) this is told with following words:

The PrePersist and PreRemove callback methods are invoked for a given entity before the respective EntityManager persist and remove operations for that entity are executed.
The PreUpdate and PostUpdate callbacks occur before and after the database update operations to entity data respectively.

