I have an array on my backend called media that stores several objects. It looks something like this:
"media": [
"srcId": null;
"primary": false,
"thumbs": {
"default": null
"type": null,
"raw": null
My edit-component.ts for the loading this array into the form looks like this:
media: this._fb.array([
srcId: new FormControl(this.existingMedia.srcId),
type: new FormControl(this.existingMedia.type),
raw: new FormControl(this.existingMedia.raw),
primary: new FormControl(this.existingMedia.primary),
thumbs: this._fb.group({
default: new FormControl(this.existingMedia.thumb.default)
Right now this will load the first object from that media array but not other media objects that could be in the array. Is there a way to make the formBuilder group inside the formArray Media dynamic to the number of objects within the Media Array on the backend?
Any help/tips/suggestions would be much appreciated!
In my ngOnInit I have:
this.currentCard = selectedCurrentCard;
for (let medias of this.currentCard.media){
this.existingMedia = medias;
to iterate over my media array on the backend and
const control = <FormArray>this.cardForm.controls['media'];
with initCurrentMedia() looking like this: UPDATED initCurrentMedia() this updated version worked when called in ngOnInit() Thanks to the help of @AJT_82
initCurrentMedia() {
this.currentCard.media.forEach(media => {
const control = <FormArray>this.cardForm.controls['media'];
srcId: new FormControl(media.srcId),
type: new FormControl(media.type),
raw: new FormControl(media.raw),
primary: new FormControl(media.primary),
thumbs: this._fb.group({
default: new FormControl()
To populate my form with current media. It is still only populating one object.
I like to build the form
this.myForm = this._fb.group({
media: this._fb.array([])
and then after response have been fetched set the values, so after getting the response you can call a method, let's say setForm()
setForm() {
this.media.forEach(x => {
srcId: x.srcId,
type: x.type,
raw: x.raw,
primary: x.primary,
thumbs: this._fb.group({
default: x.thumbs.default