Windows 10 x64
Node v12.19.0
Why wasn't called my handler of SIGTERM
event after first opening http://localhost:3000/
in a browser? Application is terminated without executiong my handler (I don't see its console output).
// node v12.19.0
const http = require("http");
const server = http.createServer((req,res)=> {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.end("Hello, World!");
setTimeout(() => { process.kill(process.pid, "SIGTERM"); } , 2000);
process.on("SIGTERM", () => { // Why it will not be executed?
process.statusCode = 1;
server.close(() => {
console.log("Process terminated.");
console.log("Server works on http://localhost:3000/");
My console output (PowerShell):
PS C:\tmp_src> node index.js
Server works on http://localhost:3000/
PS C:\tmp_src>
On Windows 10, process.on('SIGINT',cb)
works for me, to catch interrupts like CTRL+C in a shell, or stop button commands in an IDE.
It also works well in production on Linux, particularly for pm2 restart
and similar commands.