Google Calendar API: “You need to have writer access to this calendar.”

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-01-27 19:26:09


I'm using the Google Calendar API in my Rails 5.2.3 app and trying to create events on a Google Calendar within my G Suite domain. I'm already able to read the calendar and list events. When I try to insert an event, I get the error "requiredAccessLevel: You need to have writer access to this calendar."

As this is for an internal application, I have registered a service account in the Google API console and have verified that the account is able to read calendars and events.

In the G Suite Admin Console, I've given the service account permissions for the scopes and

I created the calendar itself under my account and have added the service account with "Make changes to events" permissions

This is a sample of the code I'm running.

    calendar_id = '12345' #obviously not but I've verified that I have the right calendar.
    scopes = ['', '']
    authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(scopes)
    client =
    client.authorization = authorization

    start_time = Time.current
    end_time = Time.current + 2.hours

    newEvent ={
        summary: "Sample Event",
        start: {
            date_time: start_time.rfc3339,
            time_zone: start_time.strftime("%Z")
        end: {
            date_time: end_time.rfc3339
            time_zone: end_time.strftime("%Z")

    result = client.insert_event(calendar_id, newEvent)

I'm sure I've missed a permission somewhere for write access, but haven't figured out why I get "requiredAccessLevel: You need to have writer access to this calendar." instead of the insert working. Thanks for any suggestions!


Thanks to Chloe in the comment above. The solution was to change the first 5 lines to to

scopes = ['', '']
authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(scopes)

auth_client = authorization.dup
auth_client.sub = ''

client =
client.authorization = auth_client

