Problem with thread-safe queue?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-01-27 18:26:20


I'm trying to write a thread-safe queue using pthreads in c++. My program works 93% of the time. The other 7% of the time it other spits out garbage, OR seems to fall asleep. I'm wondering if there is some flaw in my queue where a context-switch would break it?

// thread-safe queue
// inspired by
// only works with one producer and one consumer
#include <pthread.h>
#include <exception>

template<class T>
class tsqueue
        volatile int m_ReadIndex, m_WriteIndex;
        volatile T *m_Data;
        volatile bool m_Done;
        const int m_Size;
        pthread_mutex_t m_ReadMutex, m_WriteMutex;
        pthread_cond_t m_ReadCond, m_WriteCond;
        tsqueue(const int &size);
        void push(const T &elem);
        T pop();
        void terminate();
        bool isDone() const;

template <class T>
tsqueue<T>::tsqueue(const int &size) : m_ReadIndex(0), m_WriteIndex(0), m_Size(size), m_Done(false) {
    m_Data = new T[size];
    pthread_mutex_init(&m_ReadMutex, NULL);
    pthread_mutex_init(&m_WriteMutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&m_WriteCond, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&m_WriteCond, NULL);

template <class T>
tsqueue<T>::~tsqueue() {
    delete[] m_Data;

template <class T>
void tsqueue<T>::push(const T &elem) {
    int next = (m_WriteIndex + 1) % m_Size;
    if(next == m_ReadIndex) {
        pthread_cond_wait(&m_WriteCond, &m_WriteMutex);
    m_Data[m_WriteIndex] = elem;
    m_WriteIndex = next;

template <class T>
T tsqueue<T>::pop() {
    if(m_ReadIndex == m_WriteIndex) {
        pthread_cond_wait(&m_ReadCond, &m_ReadMutex);
        if(m_Done && m_ReadIndex == m_WriteIndex) throw "queue empty and terminated";
    int next = (m_ReadIndex +1) % m_Size;
    T elem = m_Data[m_ReadIndex];
    m_ReadIndex = next;
    return elem;

template <class T>
void tsqueue<T>::terminate() {
    m_Done = true;

template <class T>
bool tsqueue<T>::isDone() const {
    return (m_Done && m_ReadIndex == m_WriteIndex);

This could be used like this:

// thread 1
while(cin.get(c)) {

// thread 2
while(!queue1.isDone()) {
    try{ c = queue1.pop(); }
    catch(char const* str){break;}

If anyone sees a problem with this, please say so :)


If you want anything with decent performance I would strongly suggest dumping your R/W lock and just use a very simple spinlock. Or if you really think you can get the performance you want with R/W lock, i would roll your own based on this design(single word R/W Spinlock) from Joe Duffy.


Yes, there are definitely problems here. All your accesses to queue member variables occur outside the mutexes. In fact, I'm not entirely sure what your mutexes are protecting, since they are just around a wait on a condition variable.

Also, it appears that your reader and writer will always operate in lock-step, never allowing the queue to grow beyond one element in size.


If this is your actual code, one problem right off the bat is that you're initializing m_WriteCond twice, and not initializing m_ReadCond at all.


You should treat this class as a monitor. You should have a "monitor lock" for each queue (a normal mutex). Whenever you enter a method that reads or writes any field in the queue, you should lock this mutex as soon as you enter it. This prevents more than one thread from interacting with the queue at a time. You should release the lock before you wait on a condition and when you leave a method so other threads may enter. Make sure to re-acquire the lock when you are done waiting on a condition.


Seems that the problem is that you have a race condition that thread 2 CAN run before thread 1 ever does any cin.get(c). Need to make sure that the data is initialized and when you're getting information that you are ensuring that you are doing something if the data has not been entered.

Maybe this is me not seeing the rest of the code where this is done though.

