Deploy Vue to GitHub Pages. Error with vue-router

北战南征 提交于 2021-01-27 17:58:23


I was experiencing some trouble while deploying a Vue application build with vue-cli v3.0. to GitHub Pages. I'm using subtree to send the dist folder only to gh-pages branch. First the problem was that the assets where not found but I fixed it using baseUrl on vue.config.js. Now the problem is that the #app element is empty. I found out that if I don't use vue-router (render the view direct instead of using <router-view/>) the app works fine with GitHub pages. I believe there is some issue with the route path option but I'm unable to figure out how to fix it.

The repository with the issue is and the GitHub Page link is

Thank you.


I believe I discovered the cause for this issue:

As GitHub Pages URL is not served from the root has vue-cli-deploy/ after the root /

I need to specify a base option for my app on vue-router options. Here is the documentation


Update 2020

baseUrl is Deprecated since Vue CLI 3.3, please use publicPath instead.

If you are using Vue CLI >= 3.3 you might want to check out this vue-cli plugin which automates github pages deployment using github actions.

By default, Vue CLI assumes your app will be deployed at the root of a domain, e.g. If your app is deployed at a sub-path, you will need to specify that sub-path using this option. For example, if your app is deployed at, set baseUrl to '/my-app/'. So :

  1. Create a new file in root directory of your project and name it ‘vue.config.js’
  2. In ‘vue.config.js’ file paste the following code:

    module.exports = { baseUrl: ‘/my-first-project/’ }

NOTE: in baseUrl inside the // chars you have to put the name of your project.

Read more here

Also, read a full article how to deploy vue.js project in github pages here


can you try this in your main.js

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    components: { App },
    template: '<App/>',

