Coldfusion 2018 vs 11, Centos 6 vs 7, handling of symlinks

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-27 12:30:52


I'm getting different outputs from getCurrentTemplatePath in CF2018 on Centos7 vs CF11 on Centos6

/path/to/folder contains a symlink v1 which points to /path/to/v1

With an apache website using DocumentRoot /path/to/folder, then visiting /v1 in a browser, the index.cfm dumps out expandPath('.') and getCurrentTemplatePath()

in CF11 on Centos6, I get:

  • expandPath: /path/to/v1
  • getCurrentTemplatePath: /path/to/v1/index.cfm

in CF2018 on Centos7, I get:

  • expandPath: /path/to/v1
  • getCurrentTemplatePath: /path/to/folder/v1/index.cfm

Can anyone explain why the getCurrentTemplatePath is different between the 2?

My issue is there is no Applicaiton.cfc in /path/to/folder but there is in path/to/v1

The index.cfm in CF11 will see the Application.cfc but CF2018 wont

