How to use Boost Spirit auto rules with AST?

我们两清 提交于 2021-01-27 07:53:17


EDIT: I expanded sehe's example to show the problem when I want to use it on another rule:$17

I'm trying to improve the performances of my Boost Spirit parser and I saw that since C++11, it was possible to use auto-rules like that:

auto comment = "/*" >> *(char_ - "*/") >> "*/"; 


I have a rule declarer like that:

qi::rule<lexer::Iterator, ast::SimpleType()> simple_type;

and defined like that:

simple_type %=
    >>  lexer.identifier;

If I declare it with auto, it compiles, but it cannot be used as AST in other rules.

Is it possible to define rules creating AST with auto rules ? I'm also interested in other ways to speedup AST creation in Boost Spirit.


First of all, I tried a simple example and "it works for me" with a simple adapted struct:

struct fixed
    int integral;
    unsigned fractional;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(fixed, (int, integral)(unsigned, fractional));

template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
    struct parser : qi::grammar<It, std::vector<fixed>(), Skipper>
    parser() : parser::base_type(start)
        using namespace qi;

        BOOST_SPIRIT_AUTO(qi, fixed_rule, lexeme [ int_ >> -('.' >> uint_ | attr(0u)) ]);
        start = *fixed_rule;


    qi::rule<It, std::vector<fixed>(), Skipper> start;

This happily parses the inputs:$1

I think you might mean where attribute compatibility is required, and

  • attr_cast (doc)
  • as<T>(parse_expr) (doc)

should be able to help out just fine in those cases.

See this answer for more details on attr_cast (and attribute compatibility in general): String parser with boost variant recursive wrapper


There's no such thing as an "auto rule". When you auto-capture an expression like that, you're using all of the defaults to create a rule. So the attribute of this "auto rule" will be exactly and only the attribute of the expression, with no attribute conversion.

If you need to create special attribute data (ie: you need to convert the incoming attribute type to your own data), you must either use a rule or a semantic action.

