Click event in select2 tag with a link

Deadly 提交于 2021-01-27 05:04:14


I am using select2 in tag mode. My item text is a link, e.g.:

<a href='url'>tag1</a>.

select2 seems to be swallowing the click event on the tag (selected choice) so I cannot navigate to the link.

Any ideas on how to get the link to work?


Select2 disables click events by default and for the moment, you must use a workaround to achieve the desired results. Here's an example of how I accomplished this, thanks to the resources below. This won't work if you don't re-instantiate the variable with the return value of .data('select2')

First, add a class to your links:

<a href="#" class="detail-link">hello</a>

Then you have to listen to the onSelect event of Select2

    var search = $("#searchBox");
        placeholder: "Search...",
        allowClear: true,
        minimumInputLength: 3,
        maximumSelectionSize: 1,
        escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; },
        ajax: {     blah blah blah       },
        formatResult: window.App.formatFunction


    search.onSelect = (function(fn) {
        return function(data, options) {
            var target;

            if (options != null) {
                target = $(;

            if (target && target.hasClass('detail-link')) {
                window.location = target.attr('href');
            } else {
                return fn.apply(this, arguments);

This question/answer/JFiddle helped me out but its important to note the .data('select2') line

EDIT: forgot the resource --


I use select2-selecting event:

var $q = $('#select2input');
    // your settings

$q.on('select2-selecting', function(e){
    window.location = e.choice.url;

My AJAX payload looks like this:

            "id": "1",
            "text": "Foo",
            "url": "/foo"
            "id": "8",
            "text": "Bar",
            "url": "/bar"

