Step into standard library call with godbolt

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-01-26 07:40:35


I want to know how various compilers implement std::random_device, so I popped it into godbolt.

Unfortunately, the only thing it says is

        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        sub     rsp, 16
        mov     QWORD PTR [rbp-8], rdi
        mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-8]
        mov     rdi, rax
        call    std::random_device::_M_getval()

which is not very helpful. How can I step into the _M_getval() call and examine the assembly there?


You can't "step into" functions; Godbolt isn't a debugger, it's a disassembler (in "binary" mode, otherwise a compiler asm-text output filter / viewer). Your program doesn't run, it just gets compiled. (And unless you choose the "binary" output option, it only compiles to asm, not to machine code, and doesn't actually link.)

But regardless of terminology, no, you can't get Godbolt to show you disassembly for whatever version of a library it happens to have installed.

Single-step the program on your desktop. (Compile with gcc -O3 -fno-plt to avoid having to step through PLT lazy dynamic linking.)

(I did, and libstdc++ 6.2.1 on Arch Linux runs cpuid in the constructor for std::random_device. If rdrand is available, it uses it on calls to _M_getval(). Figuring this out from just disassembly would have been tricky; there are several levels of function calls and branching, and without symbols it would be have been hard to figure out what's what. My Skylake has rdseed available, but it didn't use it. Yes, as you commented, that would be a better choice.)

Different compilers can generate different versions of library functions from the same source, that's the main point of the compiler explorer's existence. And no, it doesn't have a separate version of libstdc++ compiled by every compiler in the dropdown.

There'd be no guarantee that the library code you saw would match what's on your desktop, or anything.

It does actually have x86-64 Linux libraries installed, though, so in theory it would be possible for Godbolt to give you an option to find and disassemble certain library functions, but that functionality does not exist currently. And would only work for targets where the "binary" option is available; I think for most of the cross-compile targets it only has headers not libraries. Or maybe there's some other reason it won't link and disassemble for non-x86 ISAs.

Using -static and binary mode shows stuff, but not what we want.

I tried compiling with -static -fno-plt -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -nostartfiles -O3 -march=skylake (so rdrand and rdseed would be available in case they got inlined; they don't). -fno-plt is redundant with -static, but it's useful without to remove that clutter.

-static causes the library code to actually end up in the linked binary that Godbolt disassembles. But the output is limited for 500 lines, and the definition of std::random_device::_M_getval() happens not to be near the start of the file.

-nostartfiles avoids cluttering the binary with _start and so on from CRT startup files. I think Godbolt already filters these out of the disassembly, though, because you don't see them in the normal binary output (without -static). You're not going to run the program, so it doesn't matter that the linker couldn't find a _start symbol and just defaulted to putting the ELF entry point at the start of the .text section.

Despite compiling with -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti (so no unwind handler for your function is included), libstdc++ functions were compiled with exception handling enabled. So linking them pulls in boatloads of exception code. The static executable starts out with definitions for functions like std::__throw_bad_exception(): and std::__throw_bad_alloc():

BTW, without -fno-exceptions, there's also a get_random_seed() [clone .cold]: definition, which I think is an unwind handler. It's not a definition of your actual function. Near the start of the static binary is operator new(unsigned long) [clone .cold]: which again I think is libstdc++'s exception-handler code.

I think the .text.cold or .init sections got linked first, unfortunately, so none of the interesting functions are going to be visible in the first 500 lines.

Even if this had worked, it's only binary-mode disassembly, not compiler asm

Even with debug symbols, we wouldn't know which struct member was being accessed, just numeric offsets from registers, because objdump doesn't fill those in.

And with lots of branching, it's hard to follow complicated logic possibilities. Single-stepping at run-time automatically follows the actual path of execution.


  • How to remove "noise" from GCC/clang assembly output? about using Matt Godbolt's Compiler Explorer for things it is good for.

  • Matt Godbolt's CppCon2017 talk “What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid” is an excellent guide, and points out that you can clone the compiler-explorer repo and set it up locally with your own choices of compiler. You could even hack it to allow larger output, but that's still obviously a bad approach for this problem.

