My data on HDFS is in Sequence file format. I am using PySpark (Spark 1.6) and trying to achieve 2 things:
Data path contains a timestamp in yyyy/mm/dd/hh format that I would like to bring into the data itself. I tried SparkContext.wholeTextFiles but I think that might not support Sequence file format.
How do I deal with the point above if I want to crunch data for a day and want to bring in the date into the data? In this case I would be loading data like yyyy/mm/dd/* format.
Appreciate any pointers.
If stored types are compatible with SQL types and you use Spark 2.0 it is quite simple. Import input_file_name
from pyspark.sql.functions import input_file_name
Read file and convert to a DataFrame
df = sc.sequenceFile("/tmp/foo/").toDF()
Add file name:
df.withColumn("input", input_file_name())
If this solution is not applicable in your case then universal one is to list files directly (for HDFS you can use hdfs3
files = ...
read one by one adding file name:
def read(f):
"""Just to avoid problems with late binding"""
return sc.sequenceFile(f).map(lambda x: (f, x))
rdds = [read(f) for f in files]
and union: