Render MathJax in an SVG file

谁都会走 提交于 2021-01-19 04:39:14


I have spent a few days on the following with no joy.

I wish to render Mathjax in an SVG file. I have no problem including it in a html file in an svg element using a foreignObject from the examples at!topic/mathjax-users/_UMt3C7TIpQ/discussion, but I cannot get it to work in an svg file.

The code I am trying is as follows :-

<svg width="1960" height="1080" xmlns="">
<script type="text/javascript" src="MathJax-master/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML-SVG"></script>
<title>Layer 1</title>
<text xml:space="preserve" text-anchor="middle" font-family="serif" font-size="50" id="svg_1" y="223" x="636" stroke-opacity="0.8" stroke-width="0" stroke="#007FFF" fill="#000000">Hello World</text>
<foreignObject x="100" y="100" width="100" height="100">
   <body xmlns="">
       \(\displaystyle{x+1\over y-1}\)

Any help would be much appreciated. I do suspect the problem is with the line declaring the body element.


A <div> tag is html so the <body> tag should be in the html namespace xmlns="" rather than the svg namespace.

Your other mistake is that you're using html syntax for the script tag. SVG script tags use xlink:href instead of a src attribute. Fixing that gets us here:

<svg width="1960" height="1080" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<script xlink:href=""></script>
<title>Layer 1</title>
<text xml:space="preserve" text-anchor="middle" font-family="serif" font-size="50" id="svg_1" y="223" x="636" stroke-opacity="0.8" stroke-width="0" 

stroke="#007FFF" fill="#000000">Hello World</text>
<foreignObject x="100" y="100" width="100" height="100">
   <body xmlns="">
       \(\displaystyle{x+1\over y-1}\)

But when we do that we run into a bug in the mathjax library. It seems it expects to find html nodes in the document (check the Firefox Error Console). You'd have to contact the mathjax developers and get them to fix their bug to progress further.

