So I have this idea for a game where you dodge projectiles while controlling a helicopter. I am wondering if you can make a sprite appear as a gif, or something along the lines of two images switching every fraction of a second. I know how to make a sprite appear as one image:
self.surf = pygame.image.load("example.png").convert()
But I was wondering if this had an effect:
self.surf = pygame.image.load("example.gif").convert()
Unfortunately, it only displayed the first image in the gif. Here is the gif:
Edit: Ok so I looked at the answers and tried to implement them in my code, but then it was all too confusing and I had tried to do something a bit more simple. This is what I came up with:
if play == 1:
self.surf = pygame.image.load("Image2.png").convert()
play = 2
if play == 2:
self.surf = pygame.image.load("Image1.png").convert()
play = 1
But, all that did was display the player sprite as image 1. Is there anything I can add to make this work?
PyGame respectively the pygame.image module can only handle non-animated GIFs.
But on the PyGame homepage is introduced the GIFImage library:
This library adds GIF animation playback to pygame.
Another option is to use the Pillow library (pip install Pillow).
Write a function, that can convert a PIL image to a pygame.Surface:
(see also PIL and pygame.image)
def pilImageToSurface(pilImage):
mode, size, data = pilImage.mode, pilImage.size, pilImage.tobytes()
return pygame.image.fromstring(data, size, mode).convert_alpha()
Use the PIL library to load a GIF frame by frame:
(see also Extracting The Frames Of An Animated GIF Using Pillow
def loadGIF(filename):
pilImage = Image.open(filename)
frames = []
if pilImage.format == 'GIF' and pilImage.is_animated:
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(pilImage):
pygameImage = pilImageToSurface(frame.convert('RGBA'))
return frames
See also Load animated GIF and a simple animated gif viewer example:
import pygame
from PIL import Image
def pilImageToSurface(pilImage):
mode, size, data = pilImage.mode, pilImage.size, pilImage.tobytes()
return pygame.image.fromstring(data, size, mode).convert_alpha()
def loadGIF(filename):
pilImage = Image.open(filename)
frames = []
if pilImage.format == 'GIF' and pilImage.is_animated:
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(pilImage):
pygameImage = pilImageToSurface(frame.convert('RGBA'))
return frames
window = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
gifFrameList = loadGIF("my_gif.gif")
currentFrame = 0
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
rect = gifFrameList[currentFrame].get_rect(center = (250, 250))
window.blit(gifFrameList[currentFrame], rect)
currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % len(gifFrameList)
You can use the list of pygame.Surface
objects to generate a Spritesheet.
Pygame can't do gifs, but if you really want to, you could animate it frame by frame one image at a time.