I am sending https://localhost:9443/oidc/logout?id_token_hint=my_id_token
and getting the page with the message Identity Server You have successfully logged out. But when I go back to the login page,it is returning authorization code instead of asking login/password.
According to the browser traces shared in the comments, it seems you are sending the logout request to an incorrect hostname+port (aisoip-devis.xxxxx.kz:9443). Due to that reason, the commonauthId
cookie on the browser against the original hostname (aisoip-dev2.xxxxx.kz) is not cleared. Also, that cookie is not passed to WSO2 IS along with the logout request due to the hostname difference and WSO2 IS is unable to terminate the session on its side as well.
To correct this issue, you will have to send the logout request to the same hostname+port pair where you are sending the authentication request.