I have an tree like:
tree = [[[None,1,None],2,[None,3,None]],4,[None,6,[None,7,None]]]
The numbers represent the root of each node, the none represent the children that have no value.
For example, the main root is 4 and [[None,1,None],2,[None,3,None]] is the sub tree on the left and this [None,6,[None,7,None]] is he sub tree on the right. The principal root on the sub tree on the left is 2 etc etc...
And my problem is that I want to insert a value in this tree.
For example I want to add the value 5, this is that I want:
tree = [[[None, 1, None], 2, [None, 3, None]], 4, [[None, 5, None], 6, [None, 7, None]]]
My function takes two arguments, the tree and the integer to add, I need to use recursive function, for example this is what i started:
def insert(tree,int):
cur = tree
prev = None
while cur != None:
prev = cur
if int < cur[1]:
cur = cur[0]
else :
cur = cur[2]
Thanks in advance
This can be done by doing a tree traversal to find the target node and replace its element with the desired value.
# Do an in-order traversal recursively
def in_order(tree):
if tree is None:
for element in in_order(tree[0]):
yield element
yield tree
for element in in_order((tree[2])):
yield element
# helper method to create a new node
def new_node(val):
return [None, val, None]
if __name__ == '__main__':
tree = [[[None, 1, None], 2, [None, 3, None]], 4, [None, 6, [None, 7, None]]]
# Search for the target node with the value 6 and create a new node as its left child
for element in in_order(tree):
if element[1] == 6:
element[0] = new_node(5)
As tree traversal is a universal way to access all the nodes in the tree, it can be modified to find other nodes. For example:
# Finding leaf nodes
for element in in_order(tree):
if element[0] is None and element[2] is None:
# Do something
Pre-order and post-order traversal are also applicable.
Since you mentioned recursion, here's a solution using recursion:
def insert_node(root, node):
if root == [None]: #corner case of an empty tree
root.append(None) #now root will be : [None, node, None]
if node <= root[1]: #we need to go left
if root[0] == None:
root[0] = [None, node, None]
insert_node(root[0], node)
else: #we need to go right
if root[2] == None:
root[2] = [None, node, None]
insert_node(root[2], node)
Testing the solution:
tree = [None] #starting with an empty tree
insert_node(tree, 4)
insert_node(tree, 2)
insert_node(tree, 1)
insert_node(tree, 3)
insert_node(tree, 6)
insert_node(tree, 7)
The function traverses the tree recursively until reaching the correct place to insert the node. Since it is a Binary search tree, we must ensure the condition that any child to the left of a node should be less than that node, and any child to the right should be greater. Thats why we go lef/right according to the comparison of the new node with the current root of the traversal.