How to write a antlr4 visitor

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-01-07 02:28:14


I am trying to write a visitor for a simple antlr4 grammar - I am adapting from the following example from the book:

* directory tour
* example: LabeledExpr.g4,,

Based on the java code, I have written the following go code:

package main
import (

type evalVisitor struct {

func (v *evalVisitor) VisitAddSub(c *parser.AddSubContext) int {
    left := v.Visit(c.Expr(0))
    right := v.Visit(c.Expr(1))
    if(c.GetOp().GetTokenType() == parser.LabeledExprParserADD) {
        return left + right //error: invalid operation: left + right (operator + not defined on interface)
    } else {
        return  left - right

func main() {
    input, _ := antlr.NewFileStream(os.Args[1])
    lexer := parser.NewLabeledExprLexer(input)
    stream := antlr.NewCommonTokenStream(lexer, antlr.TokenDefaultChannel)
    p := parser.NewLabeledExprParser(stream)
    tree := p.Prog()
    var visitor evalVisitor

I am showing one of the visitors above, the other visitors would be written similarly. I am getting some compile errors as shown in comments above. How to fix this error?

There also seems to be an error in the top level calling of the visitor, because when I commented out the "left+right" line, I got a SIGSEGV fault.

For your reference, I am showing below the original java code:

public Integer visitAddSub(LabeledExprParser.AddSubContext ctx) {
    int left = visit(ctx.expr(0));  // get value of left subexpression
    int right = visit(ctx.expr(1)); // get value of right subexpression
    if ( ctx.op.getType() == LabeledExprParser.ADD ) return left + right;
    return left - right; // must be SUB

Also, the grammar is like this:

grammar LabeledExpr;
prog:   stat+ ;

stat:   expr NEWLINE                # printExpr
    |   ID '=' expr NEWLINE         # assign
    |   NEWLINE                     # blank

expr:   expr op=('*'|'/') expr      # MulDiv
    |   expr op=('+'|'-') expr      # AddSub
    |   INT                         # int
    |   ID                          # id
    |   '(' expr ')'                # parens

MUL :   '*' ; // assigns token name to '*' used above in grammar
DIV :   '/' ;
ADD :   '+' ;
SUB :   '-' ;
ID  :   [a-zA-Z]+ ;      // match identifiers
INT :   [0-9]+ ;         // match integers
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;     // return newlines to parser (is end-statement signal)
WS  :   [ \t]+ -> skip ; // toss out whitespace

NOTE: I searched around for a sample visitor code, but I hit some negative comments at 54992660, and that is also posted on antlr issues. That question has an answer that is incomplete and does not compile. So, do visitors at all work in the Go target of antlr4? And is there a sample code available for that?


I Googled a bit, and hacked the following Go visitor together:

File: ./antlr4demo/eval_visitor.go

package antlr4demo

import (


type EvalVisitor struct {
    Results map[int]float64

func (v *EvalVisitor) Visit(tree antlr.ParseTree) float64 {
    switch val := tree.(type) {
    case *ParseContext:
        return v.VisitParse(val)
    case *MultDivExprContext:
        return v.VisitMultDivExpr(val)
    case *NumberExprContext:
        return v.VisitNumberExpr(val)
    case *PlusSubExprContext:
        return v.VisitPlusSubExpr(val)
    case *NestedExprContext:
        return v.VisitNestedExpr(val)
    case *UnaryExprContext:
        return v.VisitUnaryExpr(val)
        panic("Unknown context")

func (v *EvalVisitor) VisitParse(ctx *ParseContext) float64 {
    for index, expr := range ctx.expr_list {
        v.Results[index] = v.Visit(expr)
    return v.Results[len(v.Results)-1]

func (v *EvalVisitor) VisitMultDivExpr(ctx *MultDivExprContext) float64 {
    lhs := v.Visit(ctx.lhs)
    rhs := v.Visit(ctx.rhs)

    if ctx.op.GetTokenType() == ExpressionLexerMULT {
        return lhs * rhs
    } else {
        return lhs / rhs

func (v *EvalVisitor) VisitPlusSubExpr(ctx *PlusSubExprContext) float64 {
    lhs := v.Visit(ctx.lhs)
    rhs := v.Visit(ctx.rhs)

    if ctx.op.GetTokenType() == ExpressionLexerPLUS {
        return lhs + rhs
    } else {
        return lhs - rhs

func (v *EvalVisitor) VisitNumberExpr(ctx *NumberExprContext) float64 {
    val, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(ctx.NUMBER().GetText(), 10)
    return val

func (v *EvalVisitor) VisitNestedExpr(ctx *NestedExprContext) float64 {
    return v.Visit(ctx.Expr())

func (v *EvalVisitor) VisitUnaryExpr(ctx *UnaryExprContext) float64 {
    return -v.Visit(ctx.Expr())

File: ./Expression.g4

grammar Expression;

 : expr_list+=expr+ EOF

 : '(' expr ')'                        #NestedExpr
 | SUB expr                            #UnaryExpr
 | lhs=expr op=( MULT | DIV ) rhs=expr #MultDivExpr
 | lhs=expr op=( PLUS | SUB ) rhs=expr #PlusSubExpr
 | NUMBER                              #NumberExpr

MULT : '*';
DIV  : '/';
PLUS : '+';
SUB  : '-';

 : ( D* '.' )? D+

 : [ \t\r\n] -> skip

fragment D : [0-9];

First download the ANTLR 4.9 JAR, generate the parser and visitor Go files and move them to the antlr4demo folder:

java -cp antlr-4.9-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=Go -o antlr4demo -package antlr4demo -visitor -no-listener Expression.g4

If you now run the following Go script:

File: ./main.go

package main

import (


func main() {
    expression := "1000 25/5 (1 + 2) * -3.14159265"
    input := antlr.NewInputStream(expression)
    lexer := antlr4demo.NewExpressionLexer(input)
    stream := antlr.NewCommonTokenStream(lexer, 0)
    parser := antlr4demo.NewExpressionParser(stream)
    parser.BuildParseTrees = true
    tree := parser.Parse()

    visitor := antlr4demo.EvalVisitor{
        Results: make(map[int]float64),

    var result = visitor.Visit(tree)

    fmt.Println(expression, "=", result)
    fmt.Println("All results: ", visitor.Results)

you'll see the output:

$ go run main.go
1000 25/5 (1 + 2) * -3.14159265 = -9.424777950000001
All results:  map[0:1000 1:5 2:-9.424777950000001]

Note that I have never programed anything in Go: I'm sure the code is a mess, but hey, "it works".

