I have 1000 records that I need to sync daily from an API. I am currently bulk inserting them into a SQL Database, however I would like to use Dataverse/a Common Data Service database instead.
The Logic App connector seems to do 1 record at a time and the SDK does PUTS and POSTS. How can I either insert 1000 records into the Common Data Service in bulk OR somehow synchronise my SQL DB with the CDS?
As far as I know there is no another way to do that without programming. You can extended your Power Automate Flow with Azure Functions to insert these records in a single transaction.
In this link explain how can be do it. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/developer/data-platform/webapi/execute-batch-operations-using-web-api#when-to-use-batch-requests
Please let me know wtih anything