Given the models below, I want to get a queryset of all pages, annotated with the total number of comments in the thread associated to the page, including all comments in a comment thread tree associated with pages.
I am using django-mptt to store comment tree.
I can get this in python using comment.get_descendant_count()
, but this is very ineficient when querying all pages
class CommentThread(models.Model):
class Page(models.Model):
thread = models.ForeignKey("CommentThread", ...)
class Comment(MPTTModel):
body = models.TextField()
author = models.ForeignKey("User", ...)
# Validation ensures a comment has
# a thread or parent comment but not both
thread = models.ForeignKey("CommentThread", related_name="comments", ...)
parent = TreeForeignKey(
class MPTTMeta:
level_attr = 'mptt_level'
This model allows me to add multiple "root comments" to page, but also nest comments under each comment as replies, recursively.
# Model Use Examples
thread = CommentThread()
page = Page(thread=thread)
# add page level root comments
comment1 = Comment(thread=thread, ...)
comment2 = Comment(thread=thread, ...)
comment3 = Comment(thread=thread, ...)
# add Comment Replies to comment #1
comment_reply1 = Comment(parent=comment1, ...)
comment_reply2 = Comment(parent=comment1, ...)
comment_reply3 = Comment(parent=comment1, ...)
Current approach - in python
Works but very inneficient:
page = Page.objects.first()
total_comments = [c.get_descendant_count() for c in page.thread.comments.all()]
What I have tried
I am not sure how to achieve this with querysets and annotations.
I know each mptt model also get a treed_id
, so I am guessing I would need to build a more complex subquery.
To get the number of root comments only (not including nested), I could do it like this:
pages = Page.objects.all().annotate(num_comments=models.Count("thread__comments"))
num_root_comments = pages[0].num_comments
Once again, the goal is to get all comments, including nested:
# Non working code - this kind of pseudo queryset code of what I am trying:
all_page_comments = Comment.objects.filter(tree_id__in= (Page.thread__comments__tree_id))
Thanks in advance for any help provided.
Got a working solution thanks to @andrey's answer below. Not sure it's optimal but seems to return the correct values in a single query.
threads = CommentThread.objects.filter(
Floor((models.F("comments__rght") - models.F("comments__lft") - 1) / 2)
qs_pages_with_comment_count = (
threads.values("comment_count")[:1], output_field=models.IntegerField()
# Count from subquery included count of descendents of
# each "root" comment but not the root comment itself
# so we add number of root comments per thread on top
+ models.Count("thread__comments", distinct=True)
descendants_count=Floor((F('rght') - F('lft') - 1) / 2)
Let me explain
First, current method of get_descendant_count
just operates existing data, so we can use it in Queryset.
def get_descendant_count(self):
Returns the number of descendants this model instance has.
if self._mpttfield('right') is None:
# node not saved yet
return 0
return (self._mpttfield('right') - self._mpttfield('left') - 1) // 2
This is the current mptt models' method. In queryset we are sure that all of instances is already saved so we'll skip that.
Next step is to transform math operations into db expressions.
In Django 3.0 appeared Floor
expression. But we can use it even in 1.7 (as I do)
from django.db.models.lookups import Transform
class Floor(Transform):
function = 'FLOOR'
lookup_name = 'floor'
If you want you can refactor this to use self._mpttfield('right')
analog instead of hardcoded rght, lft
and make this as Manager
Let's test. I have top element with descendants
In [1]: m = MenuItem.objects.get(id=settings.TOP_MENU_ID)
In [2]: m.get_descendant_count()
Out[2]: 226
In [3]: n = m.get_descendants()
In [4]: n.annotate(descendants_count=Floor((F('rght') - F('lft') - 1) / 2)).values('descendants_count').aggregate(total_count=Count('descendants_count'))
Out[4]: {'total_count': 226}