I am currently working on UI Integration tests using Cypress. I am looking for ways to add test case grouping in cypress similar to the standard TestNG. I was not able to find any grouping features in cypress documentation. I did find this post: link where grouping is done using tags. I am looking for a simpler way for test case grouping.
Here is my use case: I have tests for different features like feature1,2,3 in below example and each feature has different test cases. I would like to run my tests for individual features like Feature 1. Is there a way to run test1 of Feature 1. Note: I am not looking for .only or .skip. I would like to add grouping and run these tests using CLI for a particular group. Has anyone worked on these before?
describe('Feature1', () => {
it('test1', () => {
it('test2', () => {
it('test3', () => {
describe('Feature2', () => {
it('test1', () => {
it('test2', () => {
it('test3', () => {
describe('Feature3', () => {
it('test1', () => {
it('test2', () => {
it('test3', () => {
Thanks, Saahith
You can dynamically skip
a test by using this.skip()
, which can be applied conditionally based on, say, an environment variable.
To do it globally add a beforeEach()
into cypress/suport.index.js.
beforeEach(function() {
const testFilter = Cypress.env('TEST_FILTER');
if (!testFilter) {
const testName = Cypress.mocha.getRunner().test.fullTitle();
if (!testName.includes(testFilter)) {
Note, you must use a function()
not an arrow function.
The variable testName
includes the text from nested context()
, describe()
, and it()
, for example, in the sample assertions.spec.js provided by Cypress
context('Assertions', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
describe('Implicit Assertions', () => {
it('.should() - make an assertion about the current subject', () => {
has a testName
"Assertions Implicit Assertions .should() - make an assertion about the current subject"
In package.json
"scripts": {
"cy:open": "cypress open",
"cy:filter:implicit": "set CYPRESS_TEST_FILTER=Implicit & cypress open"
Note the CYPRESS_ prefix, but in the code it's just TEST_FILTER.
yarn cy:filter:implicit
will skip all the "Explicit Assertions" tests.
One way to do this is to use the Cypress-Select-Tests plugin.
1.Install the plugin using npm install --save-dev cypress-select-tests
2.Once installed, write under cypress/plugins/index.js
const selectTestsWithGrep = require('cypress-select-tests/grep')
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('file:preprocessor', selectTestsWithGrep(config))
Now based on your requirement you can execute your tests like:
## run tests with "works" in their full titles
$ npx cypress open --env grep=works
## runs only specs with "foo" in their filename
$ npx cypress run --env fgrep=foo
## runs only tests with "works" from specs with "foo"
$ npx cypress run --env fgrep=foo,grep=works
## runs tests with "feature A" in the title
$ npx cypress run --env grep='feature A'
## runs only specs NOT with "foo" in their filename
$ npx cypress run --env fgrep=foo,invert=true
## runs tests NOT with "feature A" in the title
$ npx cypress run --env grep='feature A',invert=true
Now in case you want to write your own custom logic to filter out tests, you can do that as well. In your cypress/plugins/index.js
use this module as a file preprocessor and write your own pickTests
const selectTests = require('cypress-select-tests')
// return test names you want to run
const pickTests = (filename, foundTests, cypressConfig) => {
// found tests will be names of the tests found in "filename" spec
// it is a list of names, each name an Array of strings
// ['suite 1', 'suite 2', ..., 'test name']
// return [] to skip ALL tests
// OR
// let's only run tests with "does" in the title
return foundTests.filter(fullTestName => fullTestName.join(' ').includes('does'))
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('file:preprocessor', selectTests(config, pickTests))
You can refer to these examples as well for further reference: cypress-select-tests-example and cypress-examples-recipes grep.