I have an hashmap of huge size (around 10^60). I am putting values in each entry one by one. Problem is to get the sum of values from hashmap for given range of keys. eg: Putting it in simple Hashmap has entries from 0 to 1000 as a key and every key has an value(BigInteger). Now problem is to get sum of values from range (say) 37 to 95.
I have tried with iterator but when we go for huge map of size 10^60, it is time taking operation for large range of indices.
I am trying it with streams but as am new to the streams/parallelStreams, I am not getting actual idea about it.
BigInteger index1 = new BigInteger(array[1]); // array[1] min value
BigInteger index2 = new BigInteger(array[2]); // array[2] max value
BigInteger max = index1.max(index2); // getting max and min range from index1 and index2
BigInteger min = index1.min(index2);
AtomicReference<Long> atomicSum = new AtomicReference<Long>(0l);
forEach(e -> {
if (e.getKey().compareTo(min) == 1 && e.getKey().compareTo(max) == -1) {
atomicSum.accumulateAndGet(e.getValue().longValue(), (x,y) -> x+y);
I searched over SO and few are related to list or without Streams. Please also suggest if any improvement is possible like using some other data structure instead of HashMap.
You seem to be looking for something like :
BigInteger sumOfValues = hashMap.entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getKey().compareTo(min) > 0 && e.getKey().compareTo(max) < 0)
.reduce(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger::add);
or stated as in your code
Long sumOfValues = hashMap.entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getKey().compareTo(min) > 0 && e.getKey().compareTo(max) < 0)
.reduce(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger::add).longValue();