In ES5 it was possible to create multiple constructors for a class while keeping common parts to both using prototypes, as shown below
function Book() {
//just creates an empty book.
function Book(title, length, author) {
this.title = title;
this.Length = length;
this.author = author;
Book.prototype = {
ISBN: "",
Length: -1,
genre: "",
covering: "",
author: "",
currentPage: 0,
title: "",
flipTo: function FlipToAPage(pNum) {
this.currentPage = pNum;
turnPageForward: function turnForward() {
turnPageBackward: function turnBackward() {
var books = new Array(new Book(), new Book("First Edition", 350, "Random"));
I want to achieve the same result using ES6 class and constructor syntax
class Book{
constructore (){}
Function/constructor overloading is not supported in ECMAScript. You can use the arguments object to do so if you want to still hack it.
constructor(title, length, author) {
if(!arguments.length) {
// empty book
else {
this.title = title;
this.Length = length;
this.author = author;
You can also get around this limitation by using ES6 classes with extends.
class Base{
class TypeA extends Base {
constructor(value) {
this.Foo = value;
class TypeB extends Base {
constructor(value) {
this.Bar = value;
Actually, it is indeed possible to create multiple constructors for one prototype. You just have to see that the constructor
property of the prototype is not special. Therefore, you can create multiple constructors as follows:
const type = (prototype, constructor) =>
(constructor.prototype = prototype, constructor);
const book = {
flipTo(page) {
this.page = page;
turnPageForward() {
turnPageBackward() {
const EmptyBook = type(book, function EmptyBook() {
this.constructor = EmptyBook;
this.ISBN = "";
this.title = "";
this.author = "";
this.genre = "";
this.covering = "";
this.length = -1;
this.page = 0;
const Book = type(book, function Book(title, author, length) {
this.constructor = Book;
this.ISBN = "";
this.title = title;
this.author = author;
this.genre = "";
this.covering = "";
this.length = length;
this.page = 0;
Just give the constructors different names. Hope that helps.