Regex match ordering

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-12-31 05:29:42


My question is simple suppose I would like to match the vowels in a word, but I would like to match them in a specific order as the appear such as a, e, i, o, u. How would I go about doing this?


So you're looking for a followed by some characters, then e followed by some characters, and so forth?

In other words, a followed by stuff that isn't e, then e. Then stuff that isn't i then i. Then stuff that isn't o then o. And finally stuff that isn't u and lastly a u.

In regexp terms, that's a[^e]*e[^i]*i[^o]*o[^u]*u

(You could get by with a .*? but why do that when you can more precisely define what you mean.)


I would go with:


But this has the same problem that is pointed out in a comment by Alvin to Votley's answer. This is due to the question not specified enough. It is not specified what the priority is.


You mean in alphabetical order?

You can't do that with a single regex unfortunately. Instead use one regex for each vowel.

